Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Larry Tee tried real hard

Larry, we all know your whole electro-clash thing failed and that any of the artists from that scene who are still making music will either grimace at the mention or deny their part in it.  There were a few things that are actually pretty rad and if they came out now you probably would have been much more successful.  Here is a video and song from these girls who went by W.I.T., I saw them on the second electroclash tour with Peaches, Chicks on Speed and another one I don't remember.  All these girls had at the merch booth were these poorly packaged copies of their demo; I bought it then and occasionally will play it now.  Bear in mind that much better music has come out since I got it, but this is back in 2002 before the term "electro" had become a popular music style adjective and before Kanye had adopted the sound like he created it.  I like the song, it works in different types of mixes and the video looks like something a grandpa would be watching in a funny movie.  Enjoy

song of today

wait a little bit for the track to start