Sunday, August 15, 2010

she made me feel the happiest I had felt in so long, now she has made me hurt more than I have ever felt in my whole life.   I am so cold and so empty feeling.   I've never felt like I do right now; I don't have the words for it.  the floor fell out from beneath me and I had a noose made out of betrayal and lies; emotion and faith in the goodness of people are no longer part of my life.  I got what I karmically deserve, I just never would have ever thought this is how it would happen.  I'm officially broken, cracked right down the middle and only entropy is thing coming out.  I don't know what to say; I walked into one of my best friends going at it with the girl who had called herself my girlfriend the day before; 10 minutes before it happened he told me that she had been hitting on him all night and that I had nothing to worry about and that he had my back and wouldn't let anything like that happen. hurt isn't the right word neither is betrayal.  goodbye for now I don't know what else to do