Monday, November 29, 2010

almost an anniversary

in a day it will be the one year anniversary of THE BLUEFUTURE, this shit is fun.  I has changed from the outlet for sharing the interesting things I find online to a place where I can rant, forget what I wrote soon after I wrote it, then get in trouble for it months later when someone forgets that I wrote it before I knew them.

I'm figuring out something stupid for the anniversary.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

death of me

that girl is going to be the death of me.  if I understand a conversation from last night correctly I should be pretty upset, and out twenty bucks.  shit dude, I just want to dip into that pool.  i've been out of the game because I'm worried that she really was the best and everything after won't be as good.  she really is all I wanted. I'm just sitting it out until I figure out what I want next.  In the words of Pauly D "i got to put it in"  why she got to be so a+?

 a foursome with princess leia, barbarella and tron girl would bring me back though.  I know I could handle that business.  I'm going to sleep soundly thinking about that.

this is officially the stupidest post I can remember making.  

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I can not wait until tron comes out.  I am so fucking excited to see that fucking movie.  A year and a half waiting and only a month left.  so close

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

the funniest fucking thing ever

this article explains a lot. i need to turn my common sense on

If Liberals Are More Intelligent

 than Conservatives, Why Are 

Liberals So Stupid?

Who are “clever sillies”?
While it is consistent with the prediction

 of the Hypothesis
the conclusion in my

 previous post that liberals are on
average more intelligent than
conservatives may not resonate with
most people’s daily observations and
experiences.  If they are more
intelligent, why are liberals – especially those
in Hollywood and academia –
so much more likely than conservatives
to say and do stupid things and hold incredulous 
beliefs and ideas that stretch
Bruce G. Charlton, Professor of Theoretical Medicine
at the University of Buckingham and Editor in
Chief of Medical Hypotheses, may have an explanation.
  In his editorial in the December 2009 issue of
 Medical Hypotheses, Charlton suggests that liberals
 and other int
elligent people may be “clever sillies,”
who incorrectly apply abstract logical reasoning
to social and interpersonal domains.  As I explain
 in an earlier post, general intelligence –
the ability to think and reason –
 likely evolved as a domain-specific evolved psychological
mechanism to solve evolutionarily novel problems,
whereas, for all evolutionarily familiar problems,
there are other dedicated evolved psychological
mechanisms.  Everyone – intelligent or not –
 is evolutionarily equipped with the ability
to solve such evolutionarily familiar problems
 in the social and interpersonal domains as
 mating, parenting, social exchange, and personal
 relationships, with the other evolved
psychological mechanisms. 
Charlton suggests that the totality of all
the other evolved psychological mechanisms
 (except for general intelligence) represents
what we normally call “common sense.”
 Everyone has common sense. 
Intelligent people, however, have a tendency
to overapply their analytical and
logical reasoning abilities derived from their
 general intelligence incorrectly to such
evolutionarily familiar domains and as a result
 get things wrong.  In other words, liberals
 and other intelligent
people lack common sense, because their
 general intelligence overrides it.  They think
 in situations where they are supposed to feel
In evolutionarily familiar domains such as
interpersonal relationships, feeling
 usually leads to correct solutions whereas thinking does not.

I personally dislike Charlton’s term “clever sillies”
 – I don’t like the British usage of both words:
  “clever” and “silly.”  But otherwise I completely agree
 with his analysis substantively.  As Charlton points out,
 common sense is eminently evolutionarily familiar. 
Our ancestors could not have survived
a single day in their hostile environment full of predators
 and enemies if they did not possess functional
common sense.  That’s why it has become integral
 part of evolved human nature in the form of evolved
 psychological mechanisms in the social and
interpersonal domains.  Because common sense is
evolutionarily familiar and thus natural, the Hypothesis
would predict that more intelligent people may be
 less likely to resort to it.  They may be more likely to
resort to evolutionarily
novel, non-common sensical, stupid ideas to solve
problems in the evolutionarily familiar domains.
This, incidentally, is the reason I never use words like
 “smart” and “clever” as synonyms for “intelligent.” 
Similarly, I never use words like “dumb” and “stupid”
 as synonyms for “unintelligent.”  “Intelligent” has a
specific scientific meaning – possessing higher levels
 of general intelligence – whereas “smart” and “stupid”
 have more to do with common sense than intelligence.
 From my perspective, more intelligent people like
 liberals are more likely to be “stupid” (lacking common sense),
 whereas less intelligent people like conservatives
 are more likely to be “smart.”
Once again, Matt Stone and Trey Parker –
 the co-creators of South Park– get it perfectly.
 In the
episode “Go God Go XII,” the Wise One
(the elderly leader of atheist otters) says,
with reference to Richard Dawkins:
“Perhaps the Great Dawkins wasn’t so wise.

 Oh, he was intelligent, but some of the

most intelligent otters that I’ve ever known

were completely lacking in common sense.”

at ease

things cooled off from last night and I am a bit at ease, but I still feel like there is something still lingering in the air between us.  I'm happiest when I'm with you, but I know it can't be like that.  I saw your tears welling up and I backed off from the path I had intended to take; I realized it was the wrong way to go.  I wish we could travel the golden road together; but the world doesn't always work that way.  We're both still looking for the on ramp and in separate cars.  this sucks.


a shiny button can look nice or accent a piece well, but in reality it's just a piece of plastic with holes in it.  I'm forcing myself right now, it's all there is.  I don't want to force it anymore, I just want it to go away.  Crushed, imploded, broken, pained.  I don't even know.   I want to sleep, but then I might dream, the last thing I want to do is dream right now; my real dream was taken away.  words kill and I want to die, the worst part is that I refuse to die or stop fighting.  I had something to fight for, but that thing was an empty shell hiding behind a smile. it was a smile hiding lies, empty lies.
I'm a fucking dork


words really can kill.  I forget where that comes from, but today I finally experienced how true it is.  Today a single word killed something that I held very dear.  I don't know what to say.  Angry, hurt and offended are what came to me as a reply, but I don't actually have the words to explain what it really feels like to have something vanish the way it did today.  I use words and pictures and colors to explain the world, but right now it's all blank.  Something died in me.  I wish being sad was enough, instead I just want to say goodbye.  Goodbye