Thursday, September 2, 2010

figuring it out

I'm starting to grasp the situation and it will take a little bit, but I see the friend thing and get it.  Since the RYT set the bar so high as far as how awesome an activity can be.  call it a high water mark.  I do need one last session knowing that it might be the last; I could take in every moment and savor every movement and not hold anything back for next time.   I really want to pull out all of the moves and ten hit combos I haven't used yet. Last night I was essentially begging (somewhere between pitiful and date rapist). Patience is something I can deal with and if it doesn't happen again the last time was pretty sweet, so I can't really complain.  I did say "we do it so well it would be a crime not to", and I really do mean it.

On a comforting note it's good to know, if not the whole truth, a good portion of it (I can also be a fool, so who knows).

I shouldn't have eaten that second piece of pizza for lunch.

Molly, Cassie and the Turtles at the Fair would have been much more fun than the studio party I'm about to go to; but it's best I don't go for so multiple reasons.  Mental health, temptation, chilling the fuck out, courtesy, and I fucking hate the fair and I'm not the biggest fan of hippy type music; so I probably wouldn't have had as much fun as everybody else.  That's why I'm reading the Invisibles again