Thursday, December 3, 2009


I wouldn't want to be the child of someone who really likes the band 



  2. point taken. I still don't think a noodle dancing nitrous lover who tells their children that everything is cool and that we should all get along is someone preparing a child for the world that exists right now. Shits not like that anymore; kids born today need to be jaded, skeptical and they need to be comfortable in the fact that people don't all like each other. People pissed off and unhappy with the ways things are, are the ones who will be more pro-active in changing it. Angry misanthropic kids running around who hate and distrust all of us are the ones we want. We deserve it, we fucked up the world and will probably all die before things gets really bad; they are the ones born into the modern world and they are the ones who will have to suffer through all of the damage we did.
    I'll stop, I'm taking this way too seriously.
