Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Is something funny if the only person who tells the joke knows that it is a joke?  I think so.  Last night I had a conversation about how irony sarcasm and truth have all become the same thing now that irony and sarcasm have become accepted manners of communication.  Later that night I wrote something along the lines of "tolerance is overrated, this is a test and if you don't tolerate comments like that you aren't a tolerant person" I posted it after a friend posted a notice about the woman who saved anne frank's diary died.  I woke up this morning to a message from that person saying that she won't tolerate comments and that she considered my words to be hateful and anti-semitic.  Those things had nothing to do with what I wrote.  Technically her reply means she failed the test.  I find humor in the situation, I was being sincere.

My words had nothing to do with a specific person or topic, only the human condition.  As far as the death of irony I think I proved it still exists.  It's ironic that one of the most tolerant person is one who facebook deletes or blocks people who offend them.  la dee da, the world will end, the people we love will die, and so will we.  things don't stop when we die, hell even this blog will exist if I never post on it again.  I'm sad I lost a friend who meant a lot to me, I'm also sad she didn't see the truth in my words.  To see a good side in this I will say that my letter of apology is some of the best writing I have done in awhile.

I've never claimed to be anything but full of shit, take it all as you will.  I've said it before, disagree with me, challenge me, and all of that other shit. I relish in the chance to reply, I relish the challenge of defending my views or of being shown how wrong I am.

I am sorry that my friend was offended, I am serious about those words.

This is Bryant and I will come back and edit this, but right now I have to take a shower

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