Wednesday, January 27, 2010

sign of the times

Isn't it great the the whole conan thing went from being on everybody's tongue to the back of everyone's mind?  In a week Haiti will be forgotten.  Popular songs used to also average at around 4 minutes, these days it's closer to 3.  I'm old and even I get bored with the longer stuff, and now between posts on here and text messages my writing has just become a series of short thoughts instead of eloquent prose.  I'm even bored now and I'm not sure if it is because I've drifted off of a stupid topic, or if it just sucked in the first place and now I'm just bored.  If you're reading this I can imagine that you are pretty bored.

I can type without looking at the keyboard; in fact I was just watching the end of a tennis match as I am writing this part.

"Bluuuughh, Bluuuuuuuighhhhh, Bizazzumm!, Blllluuuuuighhh"- Chuck at a Wendy's

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