Monday, August 30, 2010


I've been such a cry baby bitch as far as writing on here goes for the last bunch of months. I hate it.  I hate feeling that shit like that is all I have to write about.  The Polish Pugilist is done, the first shoot for the Soap Factory videos is done and the next won't be for a couple weeks.  Weisman project is long done.  Anything with Cassie beyond a friendship (hopefully maintained for awhile) is done.  Haven't been psyched talking to the previous source of angst (hearing about fucked up situations and the same topics over and over again gets a bit boring).  No Solid Gold shows coming up.  No art show to create for.  A friendship that got shaken up to fix.  After being very monastic for months had a taste of regular extremely good sex, now I frustratingly want to fuck all the time (hung up on only doing it with the partner for that incredible sex, despite knowing that it probably won't happen any time soon).  No job.  No money to spend frivolously.  So many things fell apart.  Let unhindered emotional waves (triggered somewhat by movies that were not good for an unbalanced psyche) fuck things up twice. Car has been towed or ticketed a bunch and it cost a lot.  Need new clothes and shoes.  A few life things that should have been solved awhile ago remain unsolved.  Quite bummed by dissolving of the RYT/GF situation.  Un-fit.  Anxiety issues.  Crap from past that I was happy to put behind me came back and bit me in the ass.  Smoking waaaaayyyyy to much. Hardcore OD on meds.  I could go on, but that would get into stuff not proper for the public (I learned that lesson). I will end it with; a few weeks ago I had what I can honestly call the worst weekend in my life and ironically it started on what was my first truly terrible Friday the 13th.

Basically all the things that held me up through the summer are finished and my mind is stuck dwelling on all of those instead of the things below that were awesome.  I have no idea what to do.

Good things that have happened in the last year:

-Light work on "Matter of Time" video
-2 big/rad installations at 1st ave
-Art show
-Good times w/ Cassie
-Design work for Gayngs
-Not really any seizures
-Light wall/installation at Weisman
-Light direction for SG vid
-Lighting/co-direction for Soap Factory Haunt/ vids
-Realized my friends are better friends than I thought
-Knowledge of my name and work has expanded
-The Polish Pugilist (biggest and best)

Those are a bunch of good things that very few people get to do anything close to, but for some reason the bad overwhelms the good when it comes to my angsty brain.  I am the donkey from Winnie the Pooh.  I didn't think of this reference; it came from a conversation with a very specific person.   I don't like feeling or living this way.

Call me Eeyore (I might start 'Bryant on Bryant' with that line)

shit, why can't Tron just come out and give me something to be excited about

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